Create Static Social-Media “Share” Buttons without Javascript

no external resources required, corporate privacy compliance

Social-Media Share Buttons are everywhere, but most of them are working with external hosted javascript resources which are loaded on each page request. Depending on the servers cache settings this can cause multiple additional http request for your visitors. Additionally it can raise some privacy issues becaue of the possibility that your users can be […]

MooTools: A modern Element.highlight() implementation

using CSS3 Transisitons instead of Fx.Tween

Use the following code as Element.highlight() replacement:

     * Custom Element Highlighting Function
     * @param color
    highlight: function(color){
        // get current background color
        var originalColor = this.getStyle('background-color');

        // set new background color
        this.setStyle('background-color', color);

        // restore background color after 300ms
            this.setStyle('background-color', originalColor);
        }).delay(300, this);

It will only change the background color to the given value and reverse this after a time of 300ms. To get a fading-effect you need to add the following css, matching the elements you wish to apply the highlight() method:

    transition: background-color 200ms;

That’s it ;)

Bootstrap Dismissible alerts with MooTools

use .alert-dismissible without jQuery

Bootstrap & MooTool#

Using Dismissible alerts with pure MooTools code. Just insert the following code within your domready startup:

Alert.js Replacement#

// get all elements with the .alert-dismissible class
  // add a onclick event to each element
  el.getElement('button.close').addEvent('click', function(){
    // hide the element on click
    el.setStyle('display', 'none');

Dismissible alerts Example#

<div class="alert alert-danger alert-dismissible" id="alert">
    <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>
    <strong>Invalid Regex Rule: </strong> <code class="txt"></code>

Simple “Zen” Reading Mode with MooTools

simplifying website headers on-demand

Gigantic, image-based headers are an up-to-date web-feature. It looks amazing but they are squandering space, especially on sites with large tutorials containing long text.

This site is using a simply method which transforms the header-size depending on the current page-scroll: the users scrolls down and the header is automatically transformed to a smart toolbar – i’m calling this mode (following WordPress’ fullscreen editor) “Zen” reader mode. Need a demo ? Just open an article on this site and scroll down.

To integrate this feature into you website, you need the followindd things:

  • “Standard” Header Design
  • “Smart/Compact” Header Design
  • Javascript Page-Scroll Observer
  • Optional: Amazing css3 transition

Different Header-Styles (using LESS):#

/* Basic (default) Styling */
  height: 70px;

/* Smart Styling */
  height: 45px;
  border-bottom: solid 1px #e7e7e7;	
  background-color: @color_bluegrey1 !important;

/* Large Navbar */
  background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.85);
  border-bottom: none;

Scroll-Observer Script (MooTools) :#

Description: user scrolls 200px down and the header is transformed by changing the css classes

var head = document.getElement('header .navbar-beyond');
window.addEvent('scroll', function(){
  // get current scroll
  var s = this.getScroll().y;
  // dark/light topnav
  if (s > 200){

Header Structure (Bootstrap based example from this website)#

<!-- Fixed navbar -->
<div class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top navbar-beyond navbar-beyond-dark" role="navigation">
  <div class="container container-lg">
    <!-- Website Title + Mobile Nav Button !-->
    <div class="navbar-header">
      <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle">
        <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span>
      <a class="navbar-brand" href="">Beyond Technology<br /><span>beyond the visible world</span></a>
    <!-- Navi !-->
    <div class="navbar-collapse hidden-xs">
      <ul id="menu-topnavi" class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">

<!-- Image -->
<div id="HeaderImage">

Cryptex 4.0 with Retina/HighDPI support

behind the scene – high-resolution, css based images using media queries

The Story# No scrapers. No harvesters. No spambots. That’s our goal. A several years ago, i’ve released the first version of the Crypex Plugin to protect E-Mail-Addresses on WordPress based websites. It works great but currently many mobile devices like tablets, smartphones are using high-dpi displays which results in blurred E-Mail-Addresses. Therefore i’ve create a […]

GitHub “Star”-gazer Buttons with MooTools/jQuery/PHP

No iFrames required – just pure javascript/php

Show your Love to GitHub# GitHubButtons is a fork of the famous github-buttons from @mdo using the original styles with a complete new javascript part based on MooTools/jQuery without the need of iframes. It’s targeted on MooTools/jQuery/PHP-Users which are already using various stuff on their pages – all other users should use the original iframe […]

Fixed Scroll Navigation with MooTools

sticky navigation bar that remains fixed on scrolling

The Goal# Currently a very popular and often used technique wich provides a great usability. There are a several jQuery plugins and code-snippets available which are providing this feature but they are sometimes very complex and didn’t work with MooTools based websites. This tutorial shows you how to create a sticky navigation bar that remains […]

MooTools Multitouch Event Class for Android and iOS

improoved touch support for mobile devices within the mootools framework

Multitouch and Mobile Devices..# There are several tutorials and demos about multitouch usage on mobile devices on the web, but they cause some platform dependend problems: e.g. on Android 3.1 multitouch events are limited on a single dom element and touchmove/touchend cannot correctly added to DOM-Elements. So here is the platform independent way with desktop […]

Disable Zoom Function of Android Browser, force native resolution

web based control interfaces, mobile device web development

The Task# Sometimes you need the native resolution of your tablet pc/smartphone for e.g. web based control, games or user interfaces and you wanna disable the multitouch zoom function. It’s quite easy, just add the following meta tag into your HTML document: It should work on all Android Devices and also on Apple iOS. Tested […]