Google Universal Analytics provides a great possibility to track custom events on your website. These feature can be used to analyze special user-interactions with e.g. advertised/highlighted content or social media links. The recorded data can be directly used to optimize your website!
The event tracking is very simple:
- Add Google Universal Analytics to your Website
- Add Event Listener to the elements you want to track
- Use the “send” command to push events to analytics:
ga('send', 'event', 'button', 'click', 'nav buttons', 4);
To simplify the integration you can implment a simple data-binding which will automatically add event listeners (click) to you DOM elements. Just add an additional attribute to your elements which includes (in this example) a prefix, the event-category and the event-label (scheme: "prefix:category:label").
Example: Social Links with data-binding#
<a href="" title="Facebook" data-event="ga:social:facebook" class="FacebookButton"></a>
<a href="" title="Twitter Stream" data-event="ga:social:twitter" class="TwitterButton"></a>
Finally, we need some javascript to process the additional attributes. You should always check if Google Analytics is enabled (maybe an adblocker is used or an opt-out option is set!) to avoid javascript errors. The following code will send an event to analytics each time a user clicks on the bound elements.
MooTools based Data-Binding#
window.addEvent('domready', function(){
// GA loaded ? Used to avoid js errors on blocked analytics
if (typeof ga !== 'function'){
// event binding
// get event string
var d = el.get('data-event').split(':');
// format: "type:category:name"
if (d.length != 3){
// extract vars
var evtType = d[0];
var evtCategory = d[1];
var evtName = d[2];
// outgoing link on click event
el.addEvent('click', function(){
// universal analytics event ?
if (evtType == 'ga'){
ga('send', 'event', evtCategory, 'click', evtName);