Howto: Content Navigation/Menu with WordPress

automatically generated navigation including anchors

State of the Art# There are a several ways how to deal with large content. The most common used method is to split the content in multiple pages, but this completely destroys the usability on tablets, big screens or other mobile devices and frustate your users. Furthermore, each sub-page causes an additional http-request and extra […]

Enlighter WordPress Plugin v2.0 release

EnlighterJS Advanced Javascript based post syntax highlighting

Version 2.0 Released# I am proudly to announce the immediate availbility of Enlighter v2.0. Including EnlighterJS 2.1 with support for Inline-Syntax-Highlighting!  About the Plugin# Enlighter is a free, easy-to-use, syntax highlighting tool for WordPress. It’s build in PHP and uses the MooTools(Javascript) based EnlighterJS to provide a beautiful code-appearance. Using it can be as simple […]

LightUp – PHP Markdown Renderer released

Markdown Parser inspired by GitHub flavored markdown (GFM)

Features# Written in PHP (Version > 5.3 required) Ultra small footprint – only 3 files required, each of them with less than 450 lines of well documented code (linewise comments) Extensible – you need some special features ? Full support for GitHub flavored markdown (excluding tables) Supports various syntax highlighting variants (use the highlighter of […]

Easily Update Owncloud with PHP Scripting

update your owncloud installation with only one command

Owncloud# You like owncloud ? But updating realy sucks..there ist no automatic update function and typing 10 lines into your shell takes to much time. So here is the simple. 1 command solution! Usage# Just execute the following command via ssh (you get the packeage url directly from Syntax: owncloud_update.php <package_url.tar.bz2> Example:php owncloud_update.php […]

Howto: Remove NextGen Gallery Version Meta-Tag

increase wordpress security, hide plugin version informations

Why ?# For Security Reasons it is not recommend to show any user the version of the software you are using. Since the NGG Version 1.9 a filter was added on my request, to hide the meta-tag with the version informations: Default HTML-Header Output of NextGenGallery# [html] <!– <meta name="NextGEN" version="1.9.2" /> –> [/html] Just […]

WordPress NextGen Gallery – Page Title

clean page titles containing album/gallery names

Titles# You like the NextGen Gallery Plugin for WordPress, but you want ‘nicer’ name based page titles instead of something like “Album 78”, “Gallery 12” ? Here is a simple solution, you just have to edit your theme files: Page Title# Mostly the title (<h1> Tag) ist set into your page.php file or alternative in […]

Universal PHP “spawn-fcgi” WrapperClass

spawn-fcgi utility, lighttpd, virtual hosting, a3non::platform application

Why don’t use the spawn script from the lighttpd wiki ?# Is Shell scripting so bad ? Well i dont’t like it when using it in complex environments. Currently i am building the A3non::Platform application (a simple, managed webhosting platform) and need some php cli based utilities to spawn php-fcgi processes via the famous spawn-fcgi […]

WP: Prevent automatic removing of directories on update

wordpress plugin development, advanced topics, wp api, hooks

Every WP Plugin developers knows this issue: you have some subdirectories in your WP plugin and they are removed by wordpress on each update. I’ve got this problem with Zanmantou and Cryptex too. I found some solutions but they are all using recursive, inperformant “copy” functions to fullfill the task – the much better solution […]

Cryptex 2.0 Released

completly rewritten, strict oop coding style, some new features

Important Notice: After updating the plugin goto the settings page and click “save changes” to update the caches ! I’ve got several problems with the cryptex plugin on this blog the last days: I’m using CSS-IDs to access the DOM elements, but cryptex uses classes to style the this case the cryptex css styles […]

Import/Export/Convert SMS from Maemo to Android

Nokia N900 to Sony Xperia ARC

New smartphone, new problems: how to convert your contacts, emails and sms to your new device ? Last week i get an Sony Experia ARC (Google Android 2.3 based) smartphone – before i have an Nokia N900. Converting contacts, calendar, etc. was quite easy – just use the embedded “Mail for Exchange” tool from Nokia […]